Mist Mist is an intelligent magic item, a talking horse. She was created before the landing of the Alphatians, and has seen much pass before her eyes. Over time, she gradually became intelligent. Mist can absorb magic items, to increase her power. She takes the ability of the item as an intrinsic. If she is reduced to 0 hp, she is forced to retreat to small statuette form, and loses several intrinsics. On her latest adventure, she absorbed a frost brand sword, a ring of protection +2, and a book of infinite spells (with a true dweomer in it!). She can now cause cold damage with her hooves, is slightly protected, and can cast mage spells without components. For those with the High Level Campaigns DM's option book, Mist can cast True Dweomers, reducing the difficulty by 10 points per her mage level. She can not take any material component modifications. She can cast 30 points of difficulty (before reduction) per level per day. Mist otherwise acts as a heavy warhorse. She has shown herself to be surprisingly self-sacrificing, knowing that she can always "die" and come back again. She has no real ambition to be anything other than what she is. Mist is looking for an item of tongues tho, so she can speak. Mist's current intrinsics: Spellcasting [Can cast spells] Protection +2 [Grants +2 to AC] Frost Branding [Gives extra d6 frost damage] Ogre Power [Gives +6 damage to attacks, extra large size] Gem of Insight [+1 Int and Wis] Earring of understanding languages [Understands all spoken languages]