Age: 24
Rank: Curate
Elarna met Thalla during a particularly fierce battle, when a group of orcs lead a surprise raid on Luln. After the battle, Elarna stayed with Thalla at her temple. Elarna is slim, tall and overconfident, and generally always follows Thalla on adventures. She has a gem of insight, elven chainmail, and a staff-spear +3
Age: 28
Rank: Knight-Defender
Sir Darkmoon has recently undergone a major change. Specifically, he became a she after an unfortunate incident with a girdle in a mud sorcerers tomb. Thalla managed to turn her back into a him with a wish from a ring.
Sir Darkmoon is a paladin, who serves Sir Lighthaft, lord of paladins. He normally uses the two handed sword. (S)he recently obtained a two handed sword called 'Hawkstrike'. It is a twohanded sword +2, which can cast Haste 1/day, and grants the wielder increased speed in combat.
Sir Darkmoon seldom speaks, perfering to let his sword do the talking. He is now engaged to Sir Misha, which happened when Thalla organized an expensive party to try and matchmake them.
Age: 22
Rank: Knight
Sir Misha is a female paladin of Athena. She is fairly quiet, and often pauses to think during a conversation. She is in love with Sir Darkmoon, and he finally realised this recently. They are now engaged to be married. She normally uses the longsword, but has a Bardiche +1
Age: 26
Rank: Adept
Juliana is a priestess of Athena, but seldom adventures. She prefers to spend her time helping the villagers, and has started a literacy program in the village. She is married to a psionicist, a former student of Kiber. While Thalla or Elarna are not present, she is in charge of the temple.
Age: 16
Rank: NA
Ilenya is a recently graduated member of the Karameikan school of magecraft. She was hired by Thalla to perform any magical tasks required. To that end, Thalla has given her a wand of earth and stone (21 ch). Ilenya is an optomistic person, who worked hard to obtain her graduation.
Age: 15
Rank: Squire
Mikhail is a would-be womaniser. Many wonder he will be like when he is older.
Age: 17
Rank: Priest
Taran is an adventuring priest, a traveller. He discovered a powerful magical blade, and travelled to far off Wendar to try and find it's owners family. He has recently returned, with a new wife, Shaz Sulanov.