University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-08-15

Next meeting time

  • Thursday 2024-08-22 09:00

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [JLG] Jasmine Gilbert
  • [NTU] Nick Bannon



  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President

Start Time

  • 09:25

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Went to 50th subcom meeting.
  • Replied to historian (Prue's) email, see below.
  • Finished editing merch stickers.

Vice President's Report

  • Not here.

Secretary's Report

  • Whole household had COVID so have been isolating.
  • Talked to Esports about hosting a console games night.
    • They asked for a date.
  • Went to Cam Hall Quiz Night subcom meeting.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $5,585.22

  • Westpac Savings $44,988.11

  • Westpac Card $67.98

  • Guild Account $990.36

  • Started on 50th lanyard design.

  • Finalising stickers for 50th.

  • Talked to UWAES about co-hosting another laser tag event in September.

  • Sorted out Tshirt and polo

    • $8.80 per blank
    • old sth $15

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Haven't done much this week.

OCM Reports

  • [LHP]

    • Asked friend about being a photographer for the 50th.
    • Went to quiz night subcom meeting.
  • [ROY]

    • Went to 50th subcom meeting.
    • Went to project night.
    • Helped a bit on VLAN 209.
      • and UWAES AD.
  • [DOC]

    • Went to 50th subcom meeting.
    • Went to project night.

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • Still in progress.
  • [BLU] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

    • In progress.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • [MPT] responded so far
    • Tombl is running NixOS talk next wk.
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • Not done.
  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

    • Got a good few.
  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

    • Done 2024-07-29.
  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

    • Not here.
  • [KKZ] will ask about UWAES console Night.

    • They are happy to host one.
  • [KKZ] will look into getting our lockers keys.

    • Went with [GPO] to Guild.
    • We got the new lockers.
      • No.7,8,9
  • [SEB] will email Tenancy about applying for more lockers.

    • Done.
  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising

    • Some progress.
  • [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian

    • In progress, see below.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • coffinfish
    • reassembled from clownfish
    • [SEB] encountered challenges with ucc-ansible-soe on the installation - not yet updated for Mint 22.
  • venice has seen plenty of usage since being properly setup again
    • 4 distinct user logins in last -20.
    • right USB port on Apple Keyboard doesn't work



  • UWAES is getting their own VLAN 209.
    • [ROY] explained a bit on the introduction on VLAN 209
      • IPv4 range: 192.168.209.y/24 (not yet documented at ?)
      • murasoi:/etc/network# git diff ce51a765..79f367e0
      • TODO: ACTION: [???] A detailed vector diagram on UCC networks
  • [MPT] ucc-wtf v1.0 is released
    • Configuration generation of incoming web routing, rather than manual configuration by [GPO] and [MPT] (who have direct Cloudflare credentials)


  • SSL certificates are kind of messed up.
    • We have at least 3 different CA certs
    • samson's LDAPS is using a cert that expired in 2008.
      • Selfhosted solutions do exist for self-signed cert management
    • UCC LDAP login not working with hedgedoc because it...
      • Anything that enforces looking up the whole chain of trust will not be happy

New Equipment

  • Nothing.

Drinks and Snacks

  • [GPO] Drink run imminent

External Entities


  • Not checked yet.


  • Next SOCPAC meeting 27th August.
    • [GPO] Can attend online.
  • Next tenancy meeting on the 28th August.


  • New lockers: Lockers 7, 8, 9.
  • Meeting coming up.

Other Entities


Past Events

  • Nothing.

Confirmed Events

50th Anniversary Merchandise

50th Anniversary Dinner

Artemis LAN

  • This week.
  • Post another announcement tomorrow (Friday)
  • Pizza order (maybe from Domino's)

Joint Camp

  • Subcom meeting this weekend.

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • NixOS by Tombl happening next week.
Certificates/Security Tech Talk
  • [MPT] will run sometime later this sem.


  • Happening two weeks from now (week6)

Tech meeting upgrade?

  • [NTU] Should we hold a beer and pizza night, on next tech meeting: Tuesday 2024-09-10T18:30 ?
    • Requires:
      • volunteer RSA: [GPO] is qualified
      • EMP: ACTION: [GPO] [DOC] [LHP]
      • Occasional Liquor License via UWA Security&Parking: ACTION: [GPO]
    • see also:

Club Collaboration

Cameron Hall Factions Minecraft Server

  • Small update coming soon.

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • $795 from SPG
    • we can subsidise the tickets
    • more prizes?
      • can retrieve from JB HI-FI
      • [LHP] can possibly get some free prizes

Door Applications

  • Nothing.

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon

  • Historian
    • Clarify initial budget:

      • MOTION: [GPO] moves to budget $1500 (37.5 hours at $40/hour) for a roughly 40H project
        • [LHP] seconds
        • Unanimous.
    • New reply from Bobbie at the UWA School of Humanities:

      From: Bobbie Oliver [email protected] Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 9:26:13 AM To: [email protected] [email protected] Subject: UWA Computer Club History

    • Third reply , Second reply from [email protected]

      • It is still possible that we may get an interested reply from a professional if we ask for one
      • In the meantime, Prue suggests that we contact a student, as we did in 1999
        • ACTION: [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian
      • Some details confirmed of how we approched this last time:

      Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 21:54:20 +0800 From: Prue Griffin [email protected] Subject: Re: [committee] Club History Inquiry

      [...] I am glad that you have looked through our register. It occurs to me that$5,585.22 it might be a project more suited to a UWA History student. I would suggest contacting the History Department to see if there is someone who might be interested? Otherwise, we can put it out to our members with the details of the project and there may be someone who wants to take it up. If you let me know ASAP then we can distribute to our members.

  • Photographer
    • [GPO] moves to budget $355 for a 4H work on photographing, and a free ticket for 50th dinner
      • [LHP] seconds.
      • Unanimous.


Major plans/ideas to do this year

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • Still in progress.
  • [BLU] work with [I2N] to find a historian? ask who to ask?

    • In progress.
  • [GPO] will talk to people to see when they want to host a tech talk.

    • [MPT] responded so far
    • Tombl is running NixOS talk next wk.
  • [KKZ] will contact CSSE and UWA websites to add UCC.

    • Not done.
  • [BLU] will get photo example for 50th anniversary book.

    • Got a good few.
  • [BLU] will work with [NTU] next project night on writing questions for historian.

    • Done 2024-07-29.
  • [SEB] will look into running some sort of chill event with alcohol.

    • Not here.
  • [KKZ] will ask about UWAES console Night.

    • They are happy to host one.
  • [GPO] to follow up on loveday memorial fundraising

  • [BLU], [SEB], to contact UWA History Department to find a historian

End time

  • 10:16