University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-07-05

Next meeting time

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

Circular Motions

  • [GPO] moves to ratify the circular motion budgeting money for cards from MSY.
    • [SEB] seconds
    • 5 in favour, 1 abstention


  • [ROY]
  • [BLU]
  • [GPO]
  • [SEB]
  • [DOC]
  • [KKZ]


  • lauren pudney [LHP], Ordinary committee member
  • Lyla Peng [SVN]


Start Time

  • 15:33

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Threw the chair in the hallway into the skipbin with [SEB]
  • Designed a t-shirt for the competition

Vice President's Report

  • was amazing and fixed hedgedoc issue (featuring an amazing domain name) with [YUN]'s help
  • reinstalled operating systems on three clubroom PC' with help thanks to kirsty, [ROY] and [MPT]
  • tested the new gpus! they work!! yay!!
  • ran tshirt event... made everyone (including dota player) who went to project night design a shirt - rip future project night attendences
  • chased up multiple committee members to make designs, seems like everyone has submitted one now, so yippeeeee
  • attened/organised/chased up/made sure that quiz night subcom has been started - first meeting was thursday
  • jesus ive been productive for once
  • have found a fool proof way to ensure Ari's attendence at SLT training - grace missed hers, so we will only have three exec with slt training - that okay?
  • hopefully upgrading the printers ram (i may have already before meeting, otherwise aiming to do it after meeting) - welp, nevermind, its some sorta cooked ram slot
  • ditto with venice cpu
  • on that note - I HAVE A PLAN FOR HOW TO "DEAL" WITH VENICE - spoke to cy abt this as well, its an amazing plan
  • sent an email thingy to extreme networks
  • took apart a switch

Secretary's Report

  • Did a shirt design.
  • Quiz night subcom meeting
  • I feel rlly sick I can't remember.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $610.00

  • Westpac Savings $44,958.24

  • Westpac Card $146.50

  • Guild Account $4,544.36

  • Tested GPUs in carpsucker with [SEB]

    • All good
  • Tested AD and discovered long login and admin prompt times

    • Download from molmol is slow.
      • Some SMB optimisations have been done, but real fix is likely folder redirection.
  • Minecraft server stuff

Fresher Rep's Report

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • Reinstalled Linux on Pinball
    • Tried to investigate AD/Samba issue with [GPO]
    • Ran fiotests for newly acquired HDDs with [NTU]
    • T-Shirt night
  • [DOC]

    • Went to the t-shirt workshop / project night on Monday and made a small shirt design
    • Scanned the t-shirt designs that were on paper from the workshop
    • Created a discord event for laser tag
  • [LHP]

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.
    • No, waiting for Grace
  • Advertising for 50th anniversary LAN.
    • Not yet (TONIGHT)
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.
    • Not done
  • Check drives on christmas and pinball.
    • Not done
  • 'Deal' with Venice.
    • In progress
  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.
    • Not done
  • Need to do annual information statement for ACNC!
    • Done
  • [GPO] to file receipts from returned drives.
    • Can't find
  • [SEB] to Extreme for firmware support
    • In progress
  • [KKZ] will make discord event for 50th LAN.
    • Done.
  • [SEB] to make whenisgood for Westpac.
    • Not done
  • [KKZ],[SEB] to make Cam Hall Quiz Night server.
    • Done, had first meeting yesterday.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • Reinstalled pinball, porcupine, corvo
    • pinball and porcupine are Linux only
    • corvo is windows only
    • cobra is still slow from HDD boot


  • HDDs have been tested independently
    • Wait until Optanes and SSDs are setup.


  • Expanded and fixed DHCP pool for member VMs
  • Marked all dead IPs with an appropriate DNS entry


  • Hedgedoc now "self"-hosted on Bones's system
    • They didn't know how to setup a VM
    • "Skill issue" - [GPO]
  • Door sensor needs to come back pending webcam policy from Guild.

New Equipment

  • 3x RX 6700 XTs
    • Good temps in furmark
    • likely suitable
  • 1x Simplecom EC412 card
  • 4x WD BLUE SA510 SATA M.2 SSDs

Drinks and Snacks

External Entities



  • We missed a SOCPAC meeting.
    • 15% penalty on our Semester 2 grant as a consequence.
    • We are not missing another one.
  • Semester 1 Grant results = ~$960


  • Need to move cupboards.

Other Entities


  • AIS submitted to ACNC and CommerceWA


  • Need to organise meeting to add Bones to approved users


Past Events

  • T-Shirt workshop
    • Full of people (due to running at project night)
    • Need to add shirts to voting website

Confirmed Events

  • 50th Anniversary LAN
    • Advertising TONIGHT
  • 50th Sit Down Dinner
    • UWA Photography Club
      • No response for booking member
    • Decorations are basically a no.
      • no balloons, glitter, confetti
      • no gluing to walls
    • Table decorations are ok
    • Schedule
      • Since choice menu is going ahead, 45 minutes between choice and food served

Tentative/Future Events

  • Need to organise for next sem.

Tech Talks

  • [EAR] and [CHS] have shown interest
  • [MPT] has shown interest


  • Meeting for next event this weekend
    • Venue is booked
    • EMP is made
    • Awaiting final ok from Curtin IT
    • Date is weekend of week before study break of Semester 2

Club Collaboration

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • First meeting has occured
  • Tentative date is 12/13th of September.
  • [BLU] requests subcom to reconsider date due to closeness to 50th Anniversary Dinner.
    • Also close to Roleplay for Life

Factions Minecraft Server

  • Meeting for it tonight

Laser Tag with Unigames and UWAES

  • Advertising is out
  • On next week

Door Applications

  • Door training
    • Kill [GPO]
    • Update discord roles and tech permissions

General Business

  • Redo whenisgood once timetables are out

Important/Get Done Soon

  • [NTU]: Is the update-the-25th-history idea still feasible? No update at 2024-06-28? 2024-06-20 reply was unclear:

    [I2N] will go and look through.

    Is it feasible to hire a historian and have an updated draft document by August/September?

    • [I2N][SEB][NTU] have mentioned that they are happy to help:
      • help find a historian? set scope of work?
      • example questionnaire/followup from last time?
      • archive images?
      • video?


Major plans/ideas to do this year

New equipment we should get

  • PS/2 to USB adaptor
    • will discuss budget next week

Action Items

End time
