University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-06-20

Next meeting time

  • Friday 28th 3pm.

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting

  • Minutes have been uploaded.

Circular Motions

  • [SEB] moved to budget $220 for a MiniKVM and VGA-to-HDMI cable.
    • [GPO] seconded
    • [GPO] moves to ratify this motion.
      • [SEB] seconds.
      • Unanimous.


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice-President
  • [GPO] Gary O'Donnovan, Treasurer
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [I2N] Lorenzo Iannuzzi



Start Time

  • 11.10

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Updated Vice President in the ACNC info.

Vice President's Report

  • Went to Tech Meeting.
  • Filled 50th anniversary EMP.

Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $1276.45

  • Westpac Savings $44932.80

  • Westpac Card $26.76

  • Guild Account $4,544.36

  • Have cash to deposit from safe and guild money to move to Westpac account.

  • Need to move some money from guild account to Westpac.

  • Semester Grant submitted.

    • $2656.78 total
  • Attended Tech meeting.

  • Went on a drink (and some snack) run.

    • Pepsi Max now instead of coke zero, as a trial.

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Survived exam weeks.
  • Haven't done much.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • Went to Tech meeting.
    • Went to 50th subcom meeting.
    • HDD orders finalised.
    • Refilled Coke machine.
  • [DOC]

    • Went to 50th subcom meeting.
  • [LHP]

    • Went on holiday. (yippee)

Action Items from previous meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • Not done.
  • [SEB] will make the 50th LAN EMP with [GPO].

    • Done and submitted.
    • Need to start advertising.
  • [BLU] to update the ACNC personal page with [SEB] as VP.

    • Done.
  • Committee to decide on manufacturer for stickers.

    • [GPO]'s sibling is fine with doing it. Still need to find out pricing.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • Not done.
  • Check drives on christmas and pinball.

    • Not done.
  • 'Deal' with Venice.

    • No updates.
  • [BLU] to make a whenisgood for 50th anniversary meeting.

    • Done.
  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.

    • Not done.
  • [KKZ] to email Tenancy about the broken light.

    • I can't remember if I did it or not.
    • Will check after meeting.
  • Need to do annual information statement for ACNC!

    • Not done.
    • [GPO] will fill it out.
  • [GPO] to file receipts from returned drives.

    • Not done.

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • Linux bootloader broke from windows updates.
    • Windows bootloader is overriding linux bootloader.
    • Only working on pinball currently.
    • Need to go through and fix grub/reinstall linux.


  • Two R710s for backup servers will be going pretty soon.

    • Need to get optane and HBA cards for it.
    • Need to get backups for local servers before we can move them to Christchurch.
  • yarica in wobbegong ex-Pawsey TwinServer cluster is being used as a mailman3 server to replace mailfish.

  • 192GiB ex-Pawsey server is still not being used.

    • Need to buy SSDs and network cards.


  • UCC email has been fixed by [MTL]!!

    • UWAs internal DNS server did not have a mail server record for Guild.
    • The mail server now ignores it.
  • Extreme purple switches.

    • OS is locked, config util which is for overwriting password is missed, have difficulty upgrading OS as well.
    • [SEB] is contacting Extreme for firmware support, [GPO] is searching internet for solution.


  • [KKZ] will look into pricing for new peripherals.
    • Keyboards, mouses, monitors.

New Equipment

  • We have ordered a miniKVM alongside a bunch of equipment.

    • [NTU] ordered it and was approved via circular.
    • Has asked for a reimbursement for $203.02.
      • Already budgeted, will do.
  • Need to find new (cheap secondhand/ebay) power supplies for twin server (wobbegong cluster).

    • The current ones belong to [NTU].
  • [BLU] leaves 11:47

  • [GPO] moves to budget $330 as a purchase request for the purchase of 3 SuperMicro twin server PSUs of the appropriate wattage.

    • [SEB] seconds.
    • Unanimous.

Drinks and Snacks

  • mmm yummy
  • Restocked snack and coke machines.
  • We need to get some more sweets/smaller items, the two small item rows are empty.
    • If you see a decent deal please let us know.
    • Aim for reasonable pricing please.

External Entities


  • Has not been checked.
  • We will have parcels arriving relatively soon.
    • We will get a notice since it's a big parcel.


  • SOCPAC meeting next Tuesday 6pm (online only).

  • Webcams update:

    • We have to remove the public facing website and public facing archives.
    • We have to keep the archives for minimum 1 month.
    • Only club executives with the permission of Guild management are allowed to view it.
    • We may need to implement logging on who accesses them.
  • We could redirect to

    • At least we can still check if the door is open or not.


  • Locker allocation has been out for a few weeks.
    • We have not been given the official updated assignments yet.
    • New lockers aren't as tall but technically have an increase in available space.

Other Entities


  • [BLU] updated [SEB] and [I2N]'s details.
  • Need to submit annual information statement.


Past Events

Charity Vigil

  • Have received all remaining residuals.

Confirmed Events

Tentative/Future Events

Tech Talks

  • [MTL], [LGM], [MPT] are interested in running Tech Talks this semester.
  • [MPT] is also interested in running his Building the Internet event again.

Gaming Nights

  • Jackbox, LAN, VR,


  • enue is pretty much good to go.
  • Curtin IT is happy with everything.
  • Will probably run mid sem break weekend.

Cameron Hall Quiz Night

  • All current subcom members from each club have no experience running quiz nights.

  • Most of them are first time committee members.

  • We do have a hand-over written.

  • It may be worth having a former subcom member to attend the first few meetings.

  • [KKZ] will deal with making the Discord server.

50th Anniversary

T-Shirt Competition
  • Need to organise a T-Shirt designing event.

    • Can be an informal event.
  • Hold it during Project Night.

  • Give about 2 weeks notice.

  • EMP has been submitted for Saturday 20th July at 10am.
  • Need to make a poster.
  • [KKZ] will make discord event.
  • Booking has been made.

  • EMP has been written, just need to submit it.

  • We don't need to apply for an alcohol license.

  • Need to set up a small schedule.

  • Organise raffle/other stuff to give out during event.

  • Need to start advertising.

  • Friday 21st September.

  • Tickets will be $95.

    • We will open a subsidisation program, for people to subsidise tickets for students who would otherwise not be able to afford it.
  • Choice menu, so there are two options and you switch between them with other people.

Club Collaboration

UniSFA Collab

  • Want to run a Space Station 14 LAN Night.

  • Could do a movie night.

  • Could maybe run Space station 14 and Artemis the same day.

UWAES Minecraft Server

  • We are holding off on launching it until after UniGames camp (which is this weekend).

  • Aiming to launch maybe Monday or Tuesday next week.

  • [GPO] moves to nominate [GPO] and [KKZ] as representatives for the Cameron Hall Factions Server subcommittee.

    • [ROY] seconds.
    • Unanimous.

UWAES Laser Tag

  • Would run during this holidays

    • Currently planned for Wednesday 10th July.
    • Laserblaze Willeton.
  • If we have 20 attendees it would be $21pp.

  • Need to make an EMP.

  • Need to make advertising materials.

Vote On New Wheel Member

  • [ROY] is now Wheel.

General Business

  • Discuss new meeting time.

    • Friday 28th 3pm.
  • We need to actually look into buying Subscribe & Save for drinks on Amazon.

    • They are very cheap!!! and we can cancel it afterwards.
  • We need to file the rest of the sign up forms from ODay so we can lock account.

Important/Get Done Soon


Major plans/ideas to do this year

  • [SEB]: Bones t-shirt event organise.

    • Done.
  • [NTU]: Do we have any other in mind between now and the dinner event?

    • 50th Anniversary LAN which will be updated very soon.
  • [NTU]: Is the update-the-25th-history idea still feasible?

    • [I2N] will go and look through.

New equipment we should get

  • [ROY]: Ratify expense on

    • [NTU]: Reimbursement claim: $203.02
    • Sorted.
  • [SEB] follow up with [NTU]'s purchase request

    • [NTU]: Purchase request motion: 2x Supermicro TwinServer PSUs, e.g. wobbegong, yarica
    • Purchase request LINK
    • Approximately AUD $30 to $110 each.
  • F1D9401-06 / F1D9401-10 USB cables for new Belkin F1DC108C KVM switch.

    • often available for $20-$50 each delivered.

    • already have 4x F1D9400-06 PS/2 cables.

    • maybe a bundle with a F1DE016C / F1DE008C expander unit?

    • Will add to next meetings agenda.

    • We will try and get it working before then.


    • If someone sees some for a good price please buy them and we will reimburse you.

Action items for this week from janky script

  • bones: [ROY] something something something about uh, coke deliver something
  • bones: [SEB] is owed mineys f moneys (trr term emulator wont let me backspace soze) for fibrechannel cable
  • bones: ebs ffs youd thinj id learn the first time - unisfa wants to do maybe a collab with ucc speak to seb and jorja
  • [ROY]: new office chairs, and review buying list as per
  • [ROY]: member's selection webcam footage mail to guild exec.

Action Items

  • [GPO], [LHP], [BLU] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

  • Advertising for 50th anniversary LAN.

  • Committee to decide on manufacturer for stickers.

  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

  • Check drives on christmas and pinball.

  • 'Deal' with Venice.

  • [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement for Artemis LAN.

  • [KKZ] to email Tenancy about the broken light.

  • Need to do annual information statement for ACNC!

  • [GPO] to file receipts from returned drives.

  • [KKZ] will look into pricing for new peripherals.

  • [SEB] to Extreme for firmware support

  • [KKZ] will make discord event for 50th LAN.

End time

  • 12:52