University Computer Club Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-05-16

Ratify Circular Motions

  • [GPO] Motioned to reimburse [NYX] $170.93 for purchase of drinks and snacks from Costco, in discord.
    • [BLU] motions to ratify the above motion.
    • Unanimous.


  • [BLU] Grace Fowler, President
  • [SEB] Bones Gazey, Vice President
  • [KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
  • [SVN] Lyla Peng, Fresher Representative
  • [ROY] Roy Xu, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [DOC] Diarmuid O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
  • [ZPH] Anthony Do
  • [LCY]


  • [GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
  • [LHP] Lauren Pudney, Ordinary Committee Member


Start Time

  • 11:28

Committee Reports

President's Report

  • Haven't really done much, been busy with assignments.
  • Went to SOCPAC meeting
  • Went to the Busy Bee and Tenancy Consultation.

Vice President's Report

  • Have been busy af with uni - send halp.
  • Not done anything that I can remember .

Secretary's Report

  • Been super busy with final projects.
  • Went to Busy Bee.
    • Started sorting the machine room.
    • Made a poster thing of our available stickers.

Treasurer's Report

  • Westpac Main $

  • Westpac Savings $

  • Westpac Card $

  • Guild Account $

  • Not here.

Fresher Rep's Report

  • Haven't done much. Busy with projects.

OCM Reports

  • [ROY]

    • Busy Bee, SocPac Meeting.
    • Won't be functioning before exams end.
  • [DOC]

    • Busy Bee was busy.
      • Two of the Machine Room shelves are now sorted.
    • Too many assignments help.
  • [LHP]

    • Not here.

Action Items from Last Meeting

  • [GPO], [LHP] Rebuild UWA Tech Clubs collab server.

    • In progress.
  • [SEB] will make the 50th LAN EMP with [GPO]

    • Not done.
  • Exec to sign Tenancy agreement.

    • [KKZ] signed, just needs to be sent off.
    • Will give to guild after meeting.
  • [BLU] to update the ACNC personal page with [SEB] as VP.

    • Not done.
  • Committee to decide on manufacturer for stickers.

    • [GPO] is looking into prices for his sibling to print them.
  • [KKZ], [GPO] Make new project night poster.

    • In progress.
  • Check drives on Christmas and Pinball.

    • [ROY] I forgot.
  • [GPO] to set up UWAES Ethernet/Network.

    • Done.
    • One Ethernet port is not working.
  • [BLU] will make another whenisgood for new meeting times.

    • Done.
  • []

Machine Technical Reports

Clubroom Machines

  • Esports machine has moved out of our clubroom.
  • Should start thinking about Build&Break.
    • [MPT] has some ideas.


  • Harddrives selection for backup servers need to be reconsidered.

    • East Digital does not want to provide receipts.
    • [BLU] ACTIONS [ROY], [GPO] to email @tech mailing list to ask opinions.
  • [LCY] enters 11:39


  • There was a power shut down last Friday for maintenance.
    • Nothing seems to be broken.


  • We should make a gaming corner where Venice is currently for the PS2/1.

    • We need RCA cables for the consoles.
  • Could move Venice between Carpsucker and Christmas, and potentially install Linux on it.

    • [BLU] actions [SEB] to deal with Venice.
    • Could do it during Build&Break.

New Equipment

  • [ROY] picked up parcel for JBOD cards.
    • Have tested 3 of them.

Drinks and Snacks

  • [NYX] went on a Costco run

    • Committee reimbured him via circular on discord
  • New Drinks

    • Coke, Coke no sugar, Lemonade, Solo, Fanta.
  • They've been addedd to the vending machine and snack machine

    • Prices remain the same, may need to be updated.
  • Stretch goal for mini fridge for fundraising should maybe be changed.

    • It was originally a joke/placeholder.
    • Could change it making the snack machine cold.
      • Put chocolates in summer, cold (small) drinks.
  • Next snack run will probably be during the holidays.

  • Please we neeeeed water pleeease Im so thirsty.

  • We could ask Basil for a Redbull fridge.

    • We could put it in the coffee corner and would still have space on top.
    • [ZPH] will email and ask.

External Entities


  • [ROY] picked up our package.


  • There was a SOCPAC meeting.
  • [GPO] has the minutes but he's not here.


  • Busy Bee this Sunday.

    • Tenancy Busy Bee and consultation meeting next Tuesday.
  • [BLU] went to the last Tenancy consultation.

    • Skip bin for June 17-19.

    • Don't put stuff in shared spaces.

    • What we told Tenancy during inspection will be talked about in coming weeks.

      • [BLU] told Tenancy about the desk legs falling off and the damaged floorboards.
    • Will found out info about Cam Hall cleaners.

      • What they're meant to clean and when.
      • Cleaners contract is the University contract not Guild contract.
    • Lockers should be out in the next couple weeks.

    • Should have a online link next Tenancy meeting.

  • One of the overhead lights in UCC is broken, need to bring it up to Tenancy.

  • Still haven't had a meeting about the clubroom cameras.

Other Entities


  • Still need to book meeting.
  • whenisgood has been done.
  • Will probably do it over the holidays.


  • Need to update still and submit EOFY report.


Past Events

Charity Vigil

  • Subcom has approved the final budget, now committee needs to approve it.
    • LINK
    • Subcomm needs to re-approve.
    • Tabled for now because the budget has changed.

Confirmed Events

Project Night

  • Poster under development.
  • Will advertise around campus once poster is done.


  • No updates really.
  • Will most likely have one next semester but no solid plans.

50th Anniversary

  • Will have a subcomm meeting after exams to hammer everything out.
    • [KKZ] actions [BLU] to make a whenisgood.
50th Anniversary LAN
  • Should be running in the mid year break.
  • [BLU] is actioned to create an EMP.
Sit Down Dinner
  • We have been asked what sort of meal plan we want.
    • Alternative is $7.50 pp and choice is $10 pp.
    • It's $2.50 extra per person, we can probably add that onto the ticket price.
      • It's probably worth the $2.50 extra to make sure everyone can get what they want.
    • They would probably have a seperate plan for dietary requirements either way.
T-Shirt Competition
  • [BRD] has built the website.
  • Need to get more entrants / vote on t-shirts.
    • Will most likely be over the holidays.

Tentative/Future Events

  • Will have a committee meeting after exams to discuss next sem events.


  • Could do it after Club carnival next semester.

Artemis LAN

  • Potential date 22nd June 11am.
    • Unigames camp is on that weekend too.
  • [KKZ] actions [BLU] to create an EMP and an announcement.

Joint Camp

  • First aid course is being organised for June.

Club Collaboration

UWAES x UCC Minecraft Server

  • Current server is scheduled to end June 15th.

  • Will put out a vote on what modpack to play around 2 weeks afterwards around 4th July.

    • Will send advertisements out.
    • Will mostly reuse existing infrastructure.
  • May also set up a club guild faction server.

CSUA from UC Berkley

  • No updates.

UWA Robotics Keyboard Workshop

  • No updates.

UWAES Console Game Night Collab

  • No updates.
  • [BLU] will talk to committee again.
  • Probs be in holidays or next semester.

Closed Section

Door Applications

General Business

Important/Get Done Soon


  • Do we want to have a meeting next week or study break?
    • Study break probably works better.
    • Will figure out when works to work around exams/projects.

New equipment we should get

Action Items

End time

  • 12:34