Ordinary General Meeting on 21st July 2023
[BLU] Grace Fowler, President
[I2N] Lorenzo Iannuzzi, Vice President
[GPO] Gary O'Donovan, Treasurer
[MCW] Lara Frcej, Ordinary Committee Member
[KKZ] Ariel Carter, Secretary
[LTX] Celine Wang, Fresher Representative
[BRZ] Bryce O'Connor, Ordinary Committee Member
[MPT] James Arcus
[CJN] Conor Bennett
[QWS] James Osbourne
[MRO] Jordan Campbell
[JTK] James Taylor
Angus Prosser
Jack Bariss
Patrick McFerran
Patrick Burke
Finn Gearon
- [BRD] Cormac Sharkey, Ordinary Committee Member
- [MTL] Mark Tearle
- 14:19
Acknowledgement of country
- We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands on which we work and pay our respects to Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded. It always was and always will be, Aboriginal land.
Committee reports
President's Report
- Hi guys, I hope that the year so far has been good for everyone and if not, Semester 2 can be a new start.
- I chaired the Charity Vigil subcom and organised the Artemis LAN and Scitech excursion with UniSFA, am on the 50th Anniversary subcom, as well as attended most of UCC events and the 2 Busy Bees. Last Sunday's Busy Bee was excellent where we cleaned up the shelves in the clubroom and part of the machine room. We now have a shelf dedicated to bags so the next time your in the clubroom please remember to use it.
- With Senester 2 starting next week, I'd like to continue on from Semester 1 where we have an event per week and have varied events so its not just gaming and social events. With that, I hope to help run more Tech Talks/Workshops. If you would be interested in running one but haven't talked to committee, please do so, even if its just for UCC to advertise your event.
- As for an event schedule, we have Multiplayer Games Night next Friday and the week after that, our Treasurer Gary will be hosting a 3D Printer Tech Talk so make sure you come along to that. Event dates will be put up on the wiki and look out for event announcements on Discord and Facebook.
- For the 50th Anniversary next year, UCC plans on doing a whole year celebration with multiple events through out the year. Keep an eye out for announcements about that and tell your friends as well. If you have any suggestions, ideas or want to plan your own event for it, feel free to tell Committee.
Vice-President's Report
- Hello everyone, hope you had a good inter-semester holiday.
- This past semester we have seen UCC return to its normal shenanigans with Charity Vigil, UniLAN (which is tomorrow and Sunday), and the Build Your Internet Tech Talks. I would like to thank those from UCC who were/are involved in the planning of those activities.
- Looking ahead into Semester 2 and into the end of year, we have a few education oriented tech-talks and events lined up. We also have the Semester 2 Welcome event, the return of the Artemis LAN at the End of August, the Cam Hall and Tech Clubs Quiz Nights, and of course our Joint Cameron Hall Event where we disappear into the wilderness for a weekend.
- If you have any ideas for a Tech Talk or another event, please do not hesitate to talk to a Committee member about it! We would love to have more member run events.
- Of course in the background we have the 50th Anniversary Subcommittee currently planning a year of events and dinners.
- If you have any suggestions for the 50th, please fill in the suggestion form that will be included in the minutes. Form
Treasurer's Report
- Oversaw the purchase of just under $5000 in new computer hardware, across the molmol upgrade, Rock Pi purchases and a few other things.
- Chairing UniLAN subcom and main event organiser (please wish me luck for tomorrow)
- Started fixing Westpac
- In active communication with CommBank for ETF investment
- See
for Income Statement and Balance Sheet.
Secretary's Report
- Hey!!
- I'm not really aure what to write for this help.
- I've been quite sick for the past few weeks so sadly I haven't been able to do much.
- I started attending project nights more this year which has been really fun.
- I was supposed to help organise UniLan on the subcomm but i got sick right as it was happening :(
Fresher Rep's Report
- Hey guys! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season.
- During this semester, I was part of the 50th anniversary subcom, designed posters for various events, and attended the games nights and VR night.
- I'm excited for what's to come and I look forward to attending even more events with you all!
OCM Reports
- Hi everyone.I think UCCs had a great first sem but our second sem is gonna be even better :fire:
- I've attended all busy bees, am on 50th anniversary subcom
- Additionally currently wrangling ppl for tech talks
- Hi everyone! UCC has had a great first semester, and I think the second semester will be great too.
- I was on the Charity Vigil subcom, I attended most of UCC's events, and I helped out at a few of them. This last semester has been one of my busiest ones, so I'm hoping to get even more involved in UCC next semester!
Election of Chair
Election of Deputy Chair
- [GPO] nominates himself as deputy chair.
- [I2N] seconds.
- [GPO] defaults in.
Constitutional amendments
SOC Rules
The SOC has recently updated its .. to only .. current UWA students ... eligible to be a voting member.
We will be creating an Associate Member class for non UWA students.
Special resolution is only voting.
Changing the way that memberships are defined.
Guild is saying non students cant be members but we are chainging that so that associates can still be involved.
[MRO] asks if any other clubs will benefit from this.
[I2N] answers that it is great for UCC but of course there are other clubs that would benefit from it.
[I2N] moves to vote.
- [BRZ] seconds.
- 15 for 1 abstension.
- Motion passes.
Modernising Wording
Changing the instinces of gendered language to gender neutral.
Additionally saying that we dont need to keep uying new ROR books.
- But we are updating it to the latest 12th edition.
[MPT] enters 14.31
[GPO] moves to vote.
- 16 for 1 abstension.
- Motion passes.
More easily conduct Committee Business
Circular motion is urgent buisness that the next meeting is too far away and we need to get it done, can we have a meeting about it.
- Can be done via discord or email.
- Current rules are only finances can be done in circular.
- Changing it to anything that is urgent that doesnt have long lasting effects on the club.
- Things will expire if they are not gone over at the next meeting.
- And need to be public in the next minutes.
[GPO] asks about why it is specified as electronic circular.
- Doesnt seem to necessary to specify as electronic, can be done in person if possible.
- [GPO] motions to ammend it to just "circular" instead of "electronic circular".
- [I2N] seconds.
- Unanimous.
Angus asks "how does a committee decide if a matter is urgent?"
- [BLU] If it cant wait for a committee meeting next week.
- Things that need to be done on the day or before.
- [BLU] If it cant wait for a committee meeting next week.
Electing delegates to subcoms is the main issue that would be easy to fix.
- Or updating regulations that does not need to be discussed vastly.
[MPT] doesnt think we need to include the word "urgent".
- His idea is if the benefit to the club to doing it now instead of next meeting, substantially outweighs the current risks/downsides of missiing the formal discussion on it.
- [GPO] Any circular motions should be done publicly.
- If the committee is constantly doing circular motions, its on people to tell them off.
- "Without lasting effects on the club" worries him because it is subjective.
- It can lose its power.
- "Without lasting effects on the club" worries him because it is subjective.
Angus asks if a negative effect would happen if we were not to have circular motions.
- Minimum meeting time is 4 days.
- Having to do something in between this time would be good.
[MPT] Need to emphasise the core point of what needs to be fixed.
[MRO] Things the committee do right now can already be misused. We wouldve found out about those things.
- Some urgent matters just need to be resolved.
[MPT] moves to amend it to read:
Up to urgent busines that: cannot reasonably be delayed until the next possible time a Commitee meeting can be held.
[BGR] seconds.
[I2N] moves to ammend the ammendement to include "or General" after "Committee".
- [MPT] seconds.
- Unanimous.
- [MPT] seconds.
[LCY] enters 2.49
General Business
Should UCC help UniSFA and Unigames and UWASCA with a busy bee?
- Unisfa isnt doing it.
- Probably not due to short notice.
- But people can show up to help out in general.
We'll just advertise it but attendence is not required.
Finn leaves 14.53
Angus leaves 14.57
Discussion of [MPT]s life membership.
- should probbaly be done at the AGM
[CJN] asks about why it was on the agenda but was removed.
Committee forgot about it.
We'll be doing at the AGM.
- 15.00
- [GPO] moves to adjurn the meeting