Guinness Joke Submitted by: eric@hpqtdla.UUCP (Eric Percival) (funny, sexual) From the rec.humor.funny joke archives. A middle aged woman and her husband visit a disco, just to remember what it used to be like. After a few dances they sit down at the side to recuperate. After a few minutes, a man comes over and asks the woman to dance. She is rather flattered and with an approving glance from her husband, accepts the invitation. Well, after a few minutes bopping, the man leans over to her and says, "You know, I think you're really good looking, could I kiss you, please?" The woman is rather taken aback and replies, "Certainly not - I'm a married woman and that's my husband over there." The music continues, and after another few minutes the man leans over again and says, "I really do think that you're the most attractive woman I've seen for ages, could I feel your tits, please?" By now the woman is getting angry, and replies, "Of course not, what sort of person do you think I am?" They continue dancing, and after a little while longer the man leans over for a third time and says, "I think you're so lovely that I'd like to turn you upside down, fill you with Guinness and drink it." The woman is completely shocked, slaps the man in the face and goes back to her husband. "Do you know what that man wanted to do to me?" she asked him, "he wanted to kiss me." "What??" exclaimed her husband. "And that's not all, he wanted to feel my tits as well" she continued. Husband gets up - "Where is he? I'll show him, I'll knock his block off." "And there's more," said his wife. "He wanted to turn me upside down, fill me with Guinness and drink it." Her husband immediately sits down again. "What are you sitting down for?" she asked, "I thought you were going to go and sort him out?" "You must be joking," her husband replied. "I'm not messing with anyone that can drink sixteen pints of Guinness!"