Andrew Shugg's Guinness Page

Welcome to my Guinness page. Hopefully there are some things in here that you will find useful, interesting, or at the very least, amusing.

Listen to the music from the Guinness ad.

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This web page was last updated at 04:51 on July 25, 1997 (local time).

Mirror of this Site

Is this page loading too slowly for you? Are you the impatient type who drums their fingers whilst waiting for the little pictures to finish downloading, all the while muttering under your breath about how slow the link is? Well, I can't guarentee anything, but if you can't cope with the (lack of) speed of this link, then you can try the other copy of this web page which resides amongst my personal web pages at Informed Technologies. Hopefully you'll get a better response from there.

About Me, and This Page

Yes, I am a major Guinness enthusiast. My name is Andrew Shugg, and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I used to be an Electrical & Electronic Engineering student at the University of Western Australia, but now I'm doing contract programming work. I've written this page in my "spare time" to express to the world my very deep feelings for Guinness, the Queen of All Ales. If you want to know more about me, you can go visit my personal homepage. If not, then let's talk about Guinness, which I can promise you is far more exciting!

Huh? What's Guinness?

You don't know? And you're alive? Sheesh. Well, you don't deserve to be. Hopefully this page will serve to educate you on this crucially important part of life.

Guinness (also known to my friends and I as Vitamin G) is a wonderful dark ale brewed in Ireland and exported for the pleasure of discerning drinkers the world over. It is sold by the pint at all good pubs (never by the half pint!) and also in draught cans or bottles at bottle shops. Here in Australia, expect to pay around $5 a pint; anyone care to tell me what prices are like around the rest of the world?

Other Guinness places on the Web

If this page isn't exciting enough for your tastes ... well, fortunately for you, there's lots of other places you can go to!

Please, if any of these links don't work any more, or you know of some other links to Guinness stuff on the Web you think is worth mentioning here, or if you have a Guinness-related web page of your own you'd like indexed here, then mail me and let me know!

Guinness-Related Things to See and Do

Other Guinness enthusiasts may now indulge in the following activities:

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The wallpaper is from the Official Guinness Site. I guess the screensaver is, too, but I picked it up from a local shareware vendor for $2. The music was recorded by a friend of mine - it was originally recorded in 16-bit stereo with a much higher sampling rate, but that .WAV file was just too damn big. :) This one still sounds pretty good, though, so grab it. :) The background for this page (the pint glasses down the side) I did myself, using PaintShop Pro.

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Comments to ... me.

HTML 3.2 Checked! Well, if you got this far, you'll probably be wanting to head on back to my home page.

This page is
Created on October 11, 1996
Andrew Shugg ([email protected])