Welcome to Simon the Null Smurf's Index of Science Fiction, Fanatsy and Gaming clubs in the city of Perth, Western Australia.
This page is broken into several subsections. These are:
Currently, this page is under construction, so many clubs may not yet have an entry. If you want your club's details to appear here (or not, as the case may be), or the details are wrong, e-mail me!
UniSFA is the University Science Fiction Association, and is situated on the University of Western Australia campus in Crawley. For more information, check out the UniSFA web page
MARS is the Murdoch Alternative Reality Society. They can be most easily found in the Ref, on the Main Campus (next to the Bush Court) of Murdoch University. They are also contactable by e-mail at [email protected]
CIA is the Curtin Imagination Association, at Curtin University . They are not quite as dead as it was previously believed, so keep an eye out for them!
JAFWA are the Japanese Aninmation Fans of Western Australia. More information can be obtained by following this link.
Murdoch Anime Directive This a Anime club at Murdoch University. For more info, mail
The CFC (Cute Fan Consortium) is a group of anime fans dedicated to bringing news of the latest anime to fans. Currently they do not hold meetings, per se, but consists of chapters that hold small meetings. At present they are just an information network. For more information see their web-pages at http://www.wt.com.au/~mstudte
The West Lodge is Perth's only Doctor Who fan club. They meet on the first Saturday of the month, at the Collins Street Centre in South Perth. Meetings start at 1pm, and run 'til 5pm. For more details see their web-pages or mail [email protected]
UniGames is the gaming club at the University of Western Australia. More info can be obtained by looking at the Unigames Web Pages!
The Gamers Guild, established in 1986, meetings every Saturday at the Swy Theatre in Perth from Midday to Midnight. Runs through to 6pm following day every fortnight. Caters for all types of roleplaying games, library available. CCG's also played/traded. First visit is free, membership is $20/year, attendance is $1 for members, slightly higher for non-members, although they are still welcome.
Southern Area Gaming Association. Information required.
Babylon 5, Blake's 7, Star Trek, etc. More Information required.
The Neutral Zone is a Star Trek club that holds its meetings on the last Friday of the month at Murdoch University. For more details, e-mail [email protected] or see their web-pages
Information required.