Changes to the 3.5 edition rules - Prestige classes

Prestige classes

I'd like to have at least one prestige class per country. Suggestions welcome!

Generic prestige classes

Found many places in the known world

Religious orders

Found where these religions are found

Country specific prestige classes

A background or time in the appropriate country is required to take these classes.

Planar classes

Epic prestige classes

Yes means they exist, but are not common knowledge (ie: I'm not giving it away to the players just yet).
(S&F) is Sword and Fist
(DoF) is Defenders of the Faith
(T&B) is Tome and Blood (MotW) is Masters of the Wild (CA) is complete arcane (CW) is Complete Warrior (MotP) is Manual of the Planes (pandius) is (aka starflung)

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vi! Glenn Butcher / knight

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